Rob Keeley

'Rob Keeley is continuing with his winning formula and middle grade readers will eat it up.'

Jill Murphy, The Bookbag on HIGH SPIRITS


Hi and welcome to my website. My name is Rob Keeley and I’m a writer of short stories, novels and drama, especially for children and a family audience. My books for children have been honoured with a win at the Georgina Hawtrey-Woore Awards and have been longlisted for the inaugural Bath Children's Novel Award and the International Rubery Book Award, Highly Commended for the Independent Author Book Award and nominated for the People's Book Prize:

The Alien in the Garage and Other Stories (2011)

The (Fairly) Magic Show and Other Stories (2012)

The Dinner Club and Other Stories (2013)

Childish Spirits (2014)

The Spirit of London (2015)

The Sword of the Spirit (2016)

High Spirits (2017)

The Coming of the Spirits (2018)

My Favourite People (2018)

Childish Spirits - eBook (2019)

Childish Spirits - audiobook (2019)

The Treasure in the Tower (2020)

The Dinner Club and other Spirits novels - eBooks (2021)

Carrots Don't Grow On Trees! (2021)

Death At Friar's Inn - eBook (2022)

Sunflowers and Nightingales - contributor (2022)

The Boy Who Disappeared and Other Stories (2023)

Searchlight Awards Anthology Volume II - contributor (2023)

The Teacher Who Knew Too Much (2024)

Childish Spirits - 10th anniversary special edition (2024)

The Fighting Spirit (2025)

My other credits include writing for the radio series Chain Gang and Newsjack for BBC Radio 4 Extra and fiction and non-fiction for various magazines. In 2016 and 2017 I was a judge for the IGGY and Litro Young Writers' Prize. I am a patron of the Children's Media Foundation. In 2019 my one-act stage comedy Mr Everyone was listed for the Alfred Bradley and Kenneth Branagh Awards. During lockdown I was Children's Writer in Residence at the Stay at Home Literary Festival, and held online school workshops as part of Liverpool Writes. My first novel for adults, a murder mystery called Death At Friar's Inn, was published in 2022.

In 2024, my Spirits series celebrated its tenth anniversary with a new, special edition of Childish Spirits. I give author workshops in schools and libraries and these were recently honoured with a nomination for Fearless Freelancer at the Northern Cultural Education Awards.


Here on my site you can learn more about me and my writing, read the latest news and reviews, and find out where you can find my work online. There are also lots of extras for those who like my stories, and even a few hidden links and downloads to find! Enjoy!

rob1.png is a directory of school activity workshops. Browse our large range of workshop providers for Primary and Secondary Schools.

You can also find my author workshops listed here:

School Workshops | Book School Workshops | UK (

Member of the National Association of Writers in Education

Member of the National Association of Writers in Education

and Children’s Books North


If you're looking for a Proofreader, Copy-editor, Published author to critique your manuscript, I can offer all of these services. For details, please e-mail me.

I am a validated Learning Destination for Children’s University. This means your children can attend out-of-school workshops with me and get their Passport to Learning stamped, gaining credits towards graduation! For more details, see here:

activities | Children's University